Video: The production of bioenergy from forest harvest residues creates climate benefits after a lead time


Increasing the use of forest harvest residues, such as branches and tree stumps, to generate energy is one way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the use of renewable fuels. According to a calculation model developed by the Finnish Environment Institute, producing energy from branches benefits the climate after four years of use, compared to natural gas. Bioenergy from tree stumps benefits the climate after around 20 years of use.

Interviewee: Researcher Anna Repo, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE

Video length: 4:35 min

Language: Finnish, with English subtitles

Recorded: 27.6.2013

Published: 18.10.2013

Terms of use: The video is freely usable for non-commercial purposes, such as education. website and the producer of the video should be mentioned as reference.

For courses in Finnish upper secondary schools: BI3, GE2, GE3 (old) -> BI2, GE3, GE1 (new curriculum/OPS)

Filmed by: Riku Mesiniemi ja Anna Puustinen, Finnish Meteorological Institute



  • The content is produced as part of the TULUVAT project funded by the Finnish National Board of Education.